Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Family under attack

The understanding and function of the family is under attack in our nation today. The very foundation of our nation and the families which it is supposed to be centered around is under attack by the governmental system. What we know as the family (A Father, Mother and kids) has been forced to become something both biblically and morally wrong (Two Father or Two mothers and kids). How can we as a nation that has abhorred homosexuality and same sex marriage for so many year allow these attacks on God's definition of family to continue?

"The key reason why the American family is in trouble, is that too many American husbands and wives consider their families to be of secondary importance. Their number one priority is themselves, their personal growth, fulfillment and all the other things we say when what we really mean is, "Me first." Neither the economic nor the employment status of the parents is the key. What matters is whether the family is at the center of their concern." William Raspberry, the columnist who often writes for The Orlando Sentinel

Christian families especially are under attack in America! It is just as if the Communist Soviet Russia exists today in the U.S., just as Brother Lester Roloff warned us about. Parents who home school their kids are increasingly being attacked by the State because they disagree with how the public school system has become more and more unacceptable for our children to not only gain a good education, but it has also become a cesspool of drugs, teenage sex, criminal activity, and so much more that I know I don't want my kids exposed too. What about you? Are you OK with your kids being allowed to be exposed to such evil?

According to Scripture, husband and wife are "one flesh," a community of life, and members one of another (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5-6; Eph. 5:22-33).

Homosexuality is an abomination sayeth the Lord, and nowhere in the bible are you going to find it acceptable for a man and man or woman and woman to become married, Period. The governmental officials that have ramrodded this problem into our homes and society will stand in judgement before God Almighty and they will pay for their sin. You kids are subjected to it, your families are subjected to it daily through television, movies, gameshows, reality shows, etc. When will this nation take a stand for God like they do for immorality?

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